Connecticut Maxillofacial Surgeons, llc

The NobelDirect 3.0 Implant

December 17th, 2013 by ifi-admin

by Nobel BioCare

CTMAX is one of only a few surgical centers that is offering the NobelDirect 3.0 solid core implant.  This implant is ideal for placement in the anterior mandibular incisor region or other tight spaces.  Because of its solid core design, it can withstand the torque often required for placement in dense cortical bone.  By virtue of its one-piece design the abutment can be modified by the restorative dentist to accomodate a restoration of any size.  Immediate temporization is more often than not a possiblity followed by conventional techniques which are used to restore the implant.  Restoration is accomplished by conventional  impression taking and the use of a cemented restoration.

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NobelActive: “The Technical Story”

December 17th, 2013 by ifi-admin

by Nobel Biocare

This article is an addendum to the NobelActive overview (A New Direction for Implants).  However, a more detailed description is given of the origins of the implant, its development and the specifics of what makes it so unique.  Close-ups of the implant design from both a surgical and prosthetic prospective are provided.  This implant is being routinely delivered to patients by us at CTMAX and the outcomes have been remarkably successful. It has filled a void where other implant designs simply would not work at the same time as providing natural platform switching in regions that demand maximum esthetic consideration.

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NobelActive: “Procedure and Placement”

December 17th, 2013 by ifi-admin

by Nobel BioCare

This article is a reprint from Nobel BioCare describing the surgical procedures and placement as they relate to the new NobelActive Implant.  This implant is being routinely delivered to patients by us at CTMAX and the outcomes have been remarkably successful. It has filled a void where other implant designs simply would not work at the same time as providing natural platform switching in regions that demand maximum esthetic consideration.

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NobelActive: “A New Direction for Implants”

December 17th, 2013 by ifi-admin

by Nobel BioCare

There has long been a void in the availability of an implant that will work effectively in tight spaces and where bone is often compromised.  The NobelActive has filled that void by providing a strong implant (capable of withstanding torque up to 70 N/CM), that compresses bone and provides necessary esthetic considerations to maximize gingival architecture.  Obtain an understanding of this implant by looking over this article outlining the features added in the design of this fixture that make it unique.  CTMAX is currently offering patients this fixture as a primary treatment modality especially in the anterior maxillary region where esthetic considerations are essential and bone density can often be compromised.

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NobelActive “Component Assortment Update”

December 17th, 2013 by ifi-admin

by Nobel BioCare

This brochure is a brief update on the most available components for the NobelActive Implant.  The 4.5 esthetic abutment, modified impression copings and bridge components, new abutment retrieval tool and more are identified and discussed.  Furthermore, a two-year follow-up of the NobelActive tapered implant is presented at the end of the brochure.

The results show stable bone and soft tissue levels after two years in function and that the implant can be used under demanding treatment conditions, i.e., immediate loading.

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All-on 4: “An Alternative Surgical Technique for Full Arch Reconstruction”

December 17th, 2013 by ifi-admin

by Nobel BioCare

This brochure is about everything “all-on-4”.  With a decade of experience the all-on-4 surgical technique and restorative option presents a less expensive and secure option for those looking for a complete maxillary or mandibular implant supported reconstruction.  CTMAX’s experience supports these statistics and further verifies that the surgical side of this treatment can be rendered with a brief recovery and an accelerated timeline to the finished restoration.  Immediate loading is possible in many cases.

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